From the Open Society to the Macabre



This website grew organically, as news items appeared either chronologically or as they came to the attention of this editor. Nothing on this website is left to the imagination. That is what is so disturbing. Everything here is in the public domain.  We have been warned publicly much as many past dictators have warned their constituents and the world, as to what is coming.

The most pervasive political fact facing  us worldwide are the imposed lockdowns, sometimes heavy and sometimes light.  They are not  going away. It is not clear what circumstances will eliminate the need for them in the eyes of the public health authorities.

The second most prominent event  is the War Against Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Never in the history of science or medicine has their been such a campaign to de-legitimize the use of a necessary medicine. We will  show instances where effective and inexpensive therapies have been banned for use by the CDC and NIH before.  But never to this degree.

The third major item was Event 201 for all to see but unknown to most. The fourth act, which has not been so evident to most of us is Gain of Function Research which is still continuing in the United States. 

As we look back to the warnings of Bill Gates in 2015 that a Pandemic is coming, and the warnings of Anthony Fauci in 2017 that a Pandemic is coming, that it is surely coming, so the obvious question is: How did they know? We conclude from all of these “coincidences” that the Pandemic was a planned event.  The release of a virus manufactured using Gain of Function techniques, with multiple virions and pathogens attached to it and more deadly and more easily transmitted than natural pathogens, happened in or around December of 2019.

We are now being told that more Pathogens will be released into the general population creating a new Pandemic on top of a Pandemic. The purpose of such a release would be to keep the Lock-downs world wide going, so as to destroy as much of the world economies as possible and to impoverish as many people as possible. This last scenario is just speculation based upon warnings that the “authorities” have given us.

So we return to Hydroxychloroquine with Zinc and Ivermectin. The authorities probably did not count on Dr. Vladimir Zelenko serendipitous discovery of an inexpensive, effective treatment for the virus that was meant to create a Pandemic. Hence they had to harness all their powers of suppression and censorship. They had to resort to Bad Science to maintain the Lockdown and the Charade. And of course, this facilitated the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people world wide: to date (November  18, 2020) 51,908,877 Deaths this year (Worldometer).

New therapies to combat the virus are being developed and implemented. We hope to document these new therapies in a compact form.   We pray and hope that their publication and widespread use would forestall further lockdowns and eliminate the perceived need for vaccinations to stop these pathogenic virions. 

None of this could have happened without the growth of the Internet and the Monopoly Power of Google, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. In the past, great news Moguls would buy up newspapers around the world and exercise their power to slant news. We hope to document the history of journalism and the power of news dissemination.  The Monopoly Power of Google, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, however, is unprecedented in a free society.