The Vaccine War Against Hydroxychloroquine


יא) חסד ואמת נפגשו צדק ושלום נשקו:

אמת מארץ תצמח וצדק משמים נשקף

תהלים פרק פה

When Kindness and Truth meet, then Righteousness and Peace will unite. Truth will rise from the Earth and Righteousness will be perceived from the Heavens.


It has amply been demonstrated  that both Hydroxchloroquine with Zinc or Ivermectin with Zinc are immensely effective in stopping the Covid Virus in the early stages of illness.  The interviews with Dr. Zev Zelenko, the Hydroxychloroquine Archive, and the Ivermectin Archive amply demonstrate this. We have  the testimony of hundreds of doctors each with hundreds of patients, that hydroxychloroquine with zinc is effective with minimal  side effects. Early treatment prevents the  the illness to advance into ARDS, Acute Respiratory Syndrome and Oxygen Deprivation. Withholding these medicines is tantamount to malpractice and malicious medical behavior.

The cognitive dissonance of these events can be summarized as follows:

  1. Expenditures on Vaccines which we do not yet have run into the billions of dollars.
  2. The cost of Hydroxychloroquine Treatment is $20 plus a minimal amount for Zinc and Azithromycin
  3. The cost for Ivermectin is about $35.00

Question: If there are inexpensive  viral killers and blockers, which take effect within five or six days of administration, why spend billions of dollars for vaccines with unknown side-effect and which have limited testing?

Could this discrepancy be the reason for the censorship and war against hydroxychloroquine, a drug that has been safely used for over sixty years?  Official adoption of a treatment protocol of hydroxychlorquine, Zinc, and Azithromycin would obviate any need for crash vaccine programs that will be costly and unproven.

What could be the need to silence and censor the testimony  of doctors who have had success with hydroxychloroquine? Here is a list:

  • America’s Front-line Doctors
  • Dr. Stella Immanuel
  • Dr Roger Sehault
  • Dr. Mobeen Sayed
  • Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

It would seem that the quest is for  a vaccine and the requirement for universal vaccination which would have to be administered  annually. This would be a multi-billion dollar bonanza for drug companies.  What other conclusion is possible when at least two inexpensive viral killers which have been shown to be effective is banned from the news and banned in the clinician’s office?

The heads of the CDC , NIAID, and FDA should be  conversant with all aspects of medical science.  If so, why are  they suppressing the use of  protocols which are safe and effective? Foregoing the use of readily available protocols forces nations to lock-down down the economy,  schools, and businesses at an untold cost of billions of dollars and great suffering.  People with chronic and emergency health conditions are constrained or delayed from  seeking the hospital treatment.

In years to come, economic historians and researchers in the history of medicine will document these events as one of the greatest travesties ever committed by politically appointed functionaries. 

Problems with Vaccines

Heated Vaccine Debate – Kennedy Jr. vs Dershowitz
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el Bigtree The Coronavirus Vaccine Agenda – London Real
•Jun 2, 2020

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Dr. Stanley A. Plotkin discusses the history of vaccinology and the role of the Philadelphia region in vaccine development. This talk was given at The College of Physicians of Philadelphia on November 3, 2010 as part of an event celebrating the launch of the History of Vaccines (


Houston doctor: We give hydroxychloroquine to babies, pregnant women

Photo of Brooke A. Lewis


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A video of a Houston doctor explaining the benefits of the controversial anti-viral hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus has gone viral, with President Donald Trump and his son tweeting about it on social media.


Basic Vaccinology: Why Vaccines Work or Don’t Work
•Dec 13, 2016
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Vaccines are a vital part of maintaining the health and well-being of a dairy herd, but have you ever wondered about what makes them work? Dr. Grooms covered some of the basics of vaccinology. He included basic immunology and how vaccines work, as well as the different types of vaccines and important considerations for designing and implementing a vaccine program for your farm.