The World Economic Forum and the Great Reset

The Closed Society and Its Friends

  1. We trace the footsteps in the sand then the videos outlining The Great Reset.


  1. Bill Gates announces the new Corona Virus Pandemic is coming.  April 3, 2015  The Next Outbreak is coming and we are not ready.” 
  2. Hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.
    Event  201 rehearses the discovery of the Covid Virus and the ensuing measures for lock-down.
  3. The exclusion of the Zelenko Protocol and Ivermectin from the accepted medical treatments for people who contract the Covid Virus
  4. The world-wide coordinated lock-down, the enforcement of the lock-down through Gestapo measures, such as in the Philippines (“You will be shot if you don’t wear a mask“) and in Australia (Jail Sentence).
  5. The intermediate goal of The Great Reset via the world-wide lockdown is to cause as much destruction as possible, both human and economic, in order to clear the way for the Covid Vaccine.
  6.  The imposition of Censorship at all levels, on YouTube, on Face Book, on Twitter, and the firing of doctors who do not comply with CDC, FDA and NIH regulations.
  7.  “With the ability to access brain activity through a simple EEG device, we can access ourselves in ways never before thought possible, to realize an identity that is operational.””
  8. “Up until now the conversation has been freedom of speech.   One of the things I think is so essential is freedom of thought.  We need a space to access peoples thoughts and emotions. We need to create a space to enable people to think freely, to think divergent thoughts ,to think creative thoughts.”
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The Fourth Industrial Revolution

19:12 / 19:45
The World Economic Forum’s Terrifying Vision for 2030