The Lockdown and the Great Reset

It is quite extraordinary how nations around the world executed the lockdown  in the same pattern and force everywhere.

  • The resistance to good scientific analysis and accurate understanding of what is necessary and what is unnecessary is part of the The Reset Program.
  •  Avoidance of all reasonable questions and analysis .
  • The force and brutality used to enforce the lockdown. In Israel, heavy fines, in Australia, a jail sentence, in the Philippines:  “Anyone not wearing a mask will be shot.”
  • The intermediate goal of The Great Reset is to cause as much economic and human destruction as possible. Clear the way for the vaccine and blame the destruction on the virus.
  • Here are the links which explore these lacunae and omissions.

Morbidity Statistics for Covid 19Statistics and the LockdownCountry Covid Fatality Rate by Hydroxychloroquine UsageThe Key to Ending the LockdownThe World Economic Forum and the Great ResetImpact of the Lockdown in GermanyLockdown Sceptics