The Footprints in the Sand

It is now the end of October 2020. The Covid Virus was released in December of 2019 and reported in January of 2020. We can now look back to study the course of events and easily come to revelatory conclusions concerning the World Trade Forum, based upon their own presentations and videos.  The commentaries on The World Trade Forum by Spiro Skouras are most illuminating and  highly recommended.

Remember how little we knew the inception of this Pandemic? We were so frightened by videos showing how easily the virus spread, even by touching a door knob or elevator button.  In retrospect, those videos were most misleading.

The protocol for stopping this virus was discovered early and best formulated by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko who showed that early treatment for those with severe health problems  and those over age 60 would keep patients from entering the hospital. Dr. Zelenko publicized his Zelenko Protocol consisting of Hydroxychloroquine , Zinc, and Azithromycin as early as March 2020 and showed definitively a 98% success rate keeping vulnerable patients out of the hospital.  The Zelenko Protocol was denied or ignored by the CDC, NIAID and all health authorities. The many Zelenko videos that appeared were deleted by YouTube on a regular basis. Even when Dr. Mobeen Sayed, a well-known M.D. and researcher, reviewed the mechanism of Hydroxychloroquine, his video was deleted by YouTube.

When Ivermectin appeared on the scene it was totally ignored by the Health Authorities .The result was:  there was no officially sanctioned cure for the virus.  This gave a clear playing field for the introduction of a Covid Vaccine as part of the Great Reset Program as the only way to beat the virus. People would see no way to protect themselves, many would lose their jobs by design, and the expectation was that they would be desperate for the Vaccine.

The cost to the world of excluding the Zelenko Protocol and Ivermectin  from the official drug repertoire  in human lives, broken lives, loss of livelihood, closed schools with the concomitant harm to children is incalculable. The Great Depression would have been avoided completely.  The damage and deaths were planned. Those responsible should be held accountable.

That is where we are today. Some of us are smarter and understand most of this. Others have never heard of Hydroxychloroquine nor of Dr. Zelenko and do not believe there is cure for the virus. Hence the emphasis on social distancing and masks and closed schools as the only way to combat the virus.  These are basically techniques from the 12th century. The only way to comprehend this long series of events is to review the articles and links on this website.  This was a gradual process of discovery for this editor.  The details cannot be grasped in a moment. The time and hours spent reviewing these articles will be well rewarded.

Gerald Parkoff

Efrat,  Israel

October 2020