“The CDC is a subsidiary of the pharmaceutical industry. The agency owns more than 20 vaccine patents and purchases and sells $4.1 billion in vaccines annually. Congressman Dave Weldon has pointed out that the primary metric for success across the CDC is how many vaccines the agency sells and how successfully the agency expands its vaccine program—regardless of any negative effects on human health.”

Robert F Kennedy, Jr

Ron Kavanagh, who had come to work at the FDA in 1998, was an expert in clinical pharmacology, the study of how chemical agents are absorbed and metabolized, and their possible toxicities. He had earned his PharmD at the University of Texas and a PhD at the University of Washington, studying drug kinetics and pharmacodynamics. After finishing that training, he went to work for Merck in its division of internal regulatory affairs. “My job was to get drugs approved, and approved with regulatory agencies all over the world,” he said.

Next he moved into the gastrointestinal division, where he reviewed Lotronex (alosetron hydrochloride), which was to be marketed for irritable bowel syndrome in females. Kavanagh thought there was evidence that the drug could cause ischemic colitis, a potentially fatal side effect. Although the drug was approved in 2000, it was recalled from the market a year later after its use led to five deaths.

The FDA’s recall of the drug, wrote Lancet editor Richard Horton, “reveals not only dangerous failings in a single drug’s approval and review process but also the extent to which the FDA—its Center for Drug Evaluation and Research in particular—has become a servant of the industry.”

Robert Whitaker is a journalist and author of two books about the history of psychiatry, Mad in America and Anatomy of an Epidemic, and the co-author, with Lisa Cosgrove, of Psychiatry Under the Influence. He is the founder of View Original Article
GP NOTE; This page of necessity will become much longer .. You cannot accurately characterize such large and central institutions as the CDC and the FDA in a few lines or with one story and leave it at that. But in justice to our topic and to indicate the necessity for extensively documenting this page, I will make the following observations.
1. When there is a discrepancy between word and actions,  it is proper to give attention to the actions and disregard the words. This is a universal principal used by historians and investigators to arrive at the Truth. When words and actions are discordant, so that is an open door to investigate hidden motives.
2. Had there not been  a real Vaccination War against Hydroxychloroquine, I would not have extended this section of to such a degree. But the dissonance and absurdity and clear falsehood in not allowing hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and azithromycin as the protocol of the day to step the Covid Virus in its tracks stood out with a dissonance so loud that it was deafening, (if I may mix my metaphors.)
3. At least two doctors from America’s Frontline Doctors have been fired from their positions, Dr. Simone Gold and Dr. Stella Immanuel. The other doctors in the group have been threatened  with losing their jobs. Doctors are afraid to speak out for common sense and the truth. These are high level, accomplished physicians and th anomaly and injustice screams out at us. Without exaggeration the precedents for this can be found in the lives of Galileo and Dr. Semmelweis. One also thinks for the dismissal of Jewish Scientists in Germany of 1933. All of these stories and events must be connected in the present case.

4. The willingness to allow people to die of a virus for which a $20 cure is available demands an explanation. The disregard for human life is appalling. The appeal to statistics in evaluating vaccines is dehumanizing. They ask:”How many children which will become disabled or will die from this vaccine? What number is acceptable?” Or now with the removal of liability since 1986 with The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program the drug companies don’t even have to make this calculatiion. There are echoes of Nazi Germany here but I will not spell them out.

5. The willingness to allow national economies tumble and  create unemployment on a massive scale leads one to wonder what further plans are in store for the United States and Israel in the attempt to control populations.

6. Never before has Freedom of the Press and Freedom of the Speech been so threatened on a wide-spread scale. This because of the dominance of the Google Search Platform and YouTube in the dissemination of information. When articles and documents just disappear from the “Net” as I shall call it, people are turned into non-persons. It is my hope that alternative platforms will appear to reduce the power of Google, YouTube, Bill Gates, and the Pharmaceutical Industry.
6. Because governmental agencies have become captive to private industries and because the regulators have  become regulated by those whom they were supposed to supervise, it is hard to imagine how Congress would pass anti-trust legislation bringing these players into line.
7. The history of anti-trust regulation during the administrations of Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson must be reviewed here on this website so that we can get some idea of the possibility of rectifying this monopoly on information and thought control.
8. Belief in Vaccinations has become almost a religion to many. If individuals oppose vaccinations on scientific or religious grounds, they are ostracized from society. Hence, ordinary people are doing the bidding of the Pharmaceutical Industry and inadvertently becoming their police force. On a personal basis, I have actually lost friends over the discussion of the viability of vaccines, as if I had advocated that the world is flat.
9. One cannot but help to connect the riots in American cities as some sort of outgrowth of these medical regulations and policies.
10. The idea of conspiracy is an outgrowth of the great financial power of corporations and individuals on an unprecedented scale. Bill Gates and George Soros must now be seen as two central figures in national  events. Perhaps what we are witnessing is the jousting of opposing financial magnates for power and control. Perhaps originally there was no plan, but step by step it came, just as Hitler moved step by step to more and more control and oppression.
11. Two seminal films have been made characterizing the times. They are Vaxxed and Plandemic.
They have been cast as fear videos because there is what to fear,  One might have preferred a format such as NOVA uses although even the recounting of Galileo’s life, necessarily includes a  foreboding and feeling of the over-arching power of the Church.  The platform of fear and foreboding in these films is justified. If one checks the persons, places and events in these films, which is very arduous work, one finds both films to be accurate and truthful. 
12. There have been key observers of these events who Google and You Tube have tried to “cancel” – one is Dr. Mercola and the other Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Both have done monumental work on this “Plandemic” and I shall provide links to their articles. is another major source for information about Vaccines.