Peanut Allergies and Vaccines

Corrupt science puts children at risk

The Oconee Enterprise, August 11, 2016:
Dr. David Lewis

Reports indicate many emergency rooms are not prepared to deal with severe allergies to nuts and other foods in which death can occur within minutes. Our youngest son, for example, developed a life-threatening allergy to peanuts while undergoing the CDC’s recommended pediatric vaccine schedule. I hesitate to even suggest the possibility of such a connection except for a phone call I received one day from a medical researcher in Bethesda, Maryland. “Guess what,” she said. “I just discovered that peanut oils used in some vaccines contain the same portion of the peanut protein that triggers severe allergies.”

Dr. Lewis’ article posted in The Oconee Enterprise – Click to enlarge David Lewis

Although our son always asks about food ingredients before eating, someone gave him a homemade cookie and said it didn’t contain nuts. A severe allergic reaction began almost immediately. Fortunately, he had an EpiPen with him and was just minutes away from an emergency room.

By the time his mother and I arrived at the hospital, his symptoms appeared to have resolved. His attending physician had administered corticosteroids and more epinephrine, and was ready to discharge him. I objected because it had only been about a half-hour since he ingested the cookie. It’s still in his stomach, I said, and will pass into his intestines over the next hour. That’s when most of the allergens will enter his bloodstream, I argued. The doctor, however, assured us our son would be okay.

Can you pump out his stomach, or give him an emetic to make him vomit, I asked? No, a nurse standing in the room replied. He may aspirate his stomach contents, she explained. Then we’re not leaving here for another hour, I replied.

About 15 minutes later, our son’s blood pressure began to drop precipitously. The doctor rushed back in to administer the maximum dose of steroids and epinephrine. After what seemed to be an eternity, his blood pressure stabilized then slowly began to climb back toward normal. It’s hard to imagine him surviving if he had been discharged and was unable to receive immediate medical intervention.

The CDC’s expanding pediatric vaccine schedule may have nothing to do with the steep increase in food-allergy fatalities over recent decades. Still, multiple whistleblowers have testified that safety data are being routinely fudged by vaccine manufacturers and the CDC. Similarly, EPA and the USDA have been skewing data on the safety of biosolids for over two decades. EPA even worked with a leading biosolids company to stop my research at the University of Georgia where my coauthors and I were documenting illnesses and deaths among children exposed to biosolids. All three Branches of the U.S. Government must deal with institutionally supported scientific misconduct. Our children are paying for it with their lives.

The opinions expressed are those of David Lewis, Research Director for the Focus for Health Foundation in Watchung, New Jersey (, author of Science for Sale (Skyhorse Publishing, NY) and CEO of Saxon Road Church Inc. in Watkinsville, Georgia.