לא תעשו עול במשפט במדה במשקל ובמשורה
ויקרא פרק יט:לה
You shall do no unrighteousness in judgment, in meteyard, in weight or in measure. (Leviticus 19:35)
לא תעשו עול במשפט - אם לדין, הרי כבר נאמר לא תעשו עול במשפט (פסוק טו), ומהו משפט השנוי כאן? הוא המדה והמשקל והמשורה. מלמד שהמודד נקרא דיין, שאם שיקר במדה הרי הוא כמקלקל את הדין וקרוי עול, שנאוי, ומשוקץ, חרם ותועבה. וגורם לחמשה דברים האמורים בדיין :מטמא את הארץ, ומחלל את השם, ומסלק את השכינה, ומפיל את ישראל בחרב, ומגלה אותם מארצם, במדה - זו מדת הארץ, במשקל - כמשמעו, ובמשורה - היא מדת הלח והיבש:
"You shall do no unrighteousness in judgment". Rashi comments: if this verse refers to a lawsuit, it has already been been stated in verse 15, "Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment." What then is the "judgment" that is taught here? It is the "meteyard, weight, and measure." This teaches that he who measures is called a judge, for if he deals falsely in measuring, he is as one who corrupts justice, and is called unrighteous, hated, and abominable, accursed, and a detestation, and causes the five things which are stated regarding a judge: He defiles the land, and he profanes the Name of G-d, and he causes the Divine Presence to be removed, and he casts the people of Israel to the sword, and he exiles them from their land (Sifra). "in meteyard', this a land measure, "in weight," to be understood in its usual meaning, "or in measure", this is the liquid and dry measure. (Rashi)
GP: All of government agency law and rulings come under the category of judge and judgment according to Torah Law. This is the crucial connection in evaluating the functioning of good government according to Torah guidelines.
Toxic human sewage and industrial waste routinely spread onto farm fields under insane EPA rule
Friday, February 17, 2017 by: Vicki Batts
Tags: Biosludged, Biosolids, EPA, sewage sludge

(Natural News) Would you eat food grown in soil that had been fertilized with human feces? There’s a good chance that you already have, and you probably didn’t even know it.
Under the EPA’s controversial 503 rule, human waste has been approved for so-called land application, provided it has undergone treatment that supposedly transforms sewage sludge into what the agency calls “biosolids.” According to the document, land application of biosolids is defined as “the spreading, spraying, injection, or incorporation of sewage sludge” into the surface of the land.
Essentially, human waste is being used as a fertilizer across the country and to “supply nutrients to crops and vegetation.”
A Plain English Guide to the EPA Part 503 Biosolids Rule
The EPA publication entitled A Plain English Guide to the EPA Part 503 Biosolids Rule summarizes this comprehensive rule and was written to help make the Part 503 rule more understandable. While the guide is not a substitute for the actual rule, it is consistent with the content of the Part 503 rule and can be a helpful tool for the rule’s interpretation and implementation.
If you have trouble accessing any content in the following, please contact Rick Stevens by phone (202-566-1135) or email (stevens.rick@epa.gov).
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- A Plain English Guide to the EPA Part 503 Biosolids Rule (PDF)(180 pp, 37 MB, September 1994, EPA/832-R-93-003)
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Biosolids contain “every chemical, every heavy metal, every pollutant” now devastating human health, warns former EPA scientist
Wednesday, April 05, 2017 by: Tracey Watson

(Natural News) Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and founder/editor of Natural News, calls biosludge “the greatest environmental crime in America.” And Adams’ voice is one worth listening to. In addition to being the founder of the most trafficked natural news site on the web, he is also the founder of several other health-oriented sites, and has been called “the best health and natural products writer on the scene today.”
Biosludge is something that has likely affected every single American, and yet most have no idea what it is. Keenly aware of the need to disseminate this vital information, Adams decided to shine a light on the problem by producing the groundbreaking new documentary, Biosludged, due for release this year. The documentary is part of the Censored Science series on Natural News. The trailer can be viewed below.
EPA: Sewage sludge standards help protect protect health and the environment
These biosolids undergo undergo treatment to make them safe for land application
How genetics studies underestimate the impact of environmental pollutants
by David L. Lewis, PhD
Persistent DNA damage causes new mutations to occur during prenatal development that can lead to the types of neurological problems associated with autism. Error-prone DNA repair processes can create new mutations that never existed in either parent. These changes, which are called somatic mosaic mutations, are only present in a subset of cells and can be passed down by either parent. Traditional genetics studies fail to detect these types of mutations, which are not as rare as once thought.
- Standard YouTube License
Andy Harris, MD
There are safer and more cost effective alternatives for disposing of medical waste. The other technologies are beyond the scope of this talk, and quite frankly are beyond the scope of this speaker’s expertise. Suffice it to say, non-incineration medical waste technologies (18) include:
- steam-based thermal processes
- microwave technology
- dry-heat processes, using radiant heaters
- pyrolysis, using high heat and chemical reactions
- chemical technologies, using acids,
- ozone gas and other chemicals
- electron beam technology
- biological processes
David Lewis on Scientific Integrity
Dr. David Lewis
Dr. Lewis is an internationally recognized research microbiologist who discovered, at the University of Georgia (UGA) in the early 1990s, that the AIDS virus could be transmitted by certain types of dental equipment that dentists share between patients. His research, published in Lancet and Nature Medicine, led to the current heat-sterilization standard for dentistry worldwide.
Dr. Lewis is the Co-Chair of the Whistleblower Leadership Council.

The case against land application of sewage sludge pathogens
There is currently a public debate about whether health, agricultural and environmental authorities should continue to allow sewage sludge to be spread on farmland. Some of the concern in the debate is about the pathogen content of sewage sludge. This concern was heightened by the tragedy at Walkerton where Eschericha coli 0157:H7 and other pathogens contaminated the drinking water supply of this Ontario town. The Canadian public were reminded how vulnerable they can be to disease when agricultural practices ajoin population centres without adequate health and environmental controls.
But pathogens are not the only contaminants of concern in sewage sludge. Sewage sludge also contains potentially harmful levels of toxic metals and environmentally persistent chemicals such as polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins (1).
Interactions of pathogens and irritant chemicals in land-applied sewage sludges (biosolids)
- David L LewisEmail author,
- David K Gattie,
- Marc E Novak,
- Susan Sanchez and
- Charles Pumphrey
DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-2-11
Fertilisation of land with processed sewage sludges, which often contain low levels of pathogens, endotoxins, and trace amounts of industrial and household chemicals, has become common practice in Western Europe, the US, and Canada. Local governments, however, are increasingly restricting or banning the practice in response to residents reporting adverse health effects. These self-reported illnesses have not been studied and methods for assessing exposures of residential communities to contaminants from processed sewage sludges need to be developed.