Lockdown as the Greatest Threat to Democracy

“In the general course of nature, a power over a man’s subsistence amounts to a power over his will.” (Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 79)

“Were the government to prescribe to us our medicine and diet, our bodies would be in such keeping as our souls are now.”  (Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia)

The world-wide lock-down is one of the greatest threats to an Open and Free Society since World War II. It rivals in importance the Nuclear Standoff which the United States, Russia, and China are experiencing.

Although most people will view the lock-down as a public health measure and a  medical necessity, in fact the science upon which it is based is faulty. We have demonstrated this in multiple  links and pages on this site. Rather, we on this website view the World Wide Lockdown as a tool to implement The Great Reset. It is meant to close down society, cause unemployment, impoverish people, prevent them from getting proper medical attention when needed, and to censure and exclude doctors and medical professionals who disagree with this policy.

The result is a medical dictatorship to which the leading political leaders of nations have implicitly agreed. This abdication is either because of ignorance of microbiology and the basics of immunology or in response to coercive measures which they cannot withstand and which are not yet publicly revealed.

Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci have publicly declared that the Lockdown will not end and life will not return to “normal” until there is Universal Vaccination, together with Identification Certificates in hand or implanted into the person. 

The very beginning of this perception of scientific fraud was the ignoring of Dr. Vladimir Zelenko who advocated The Zelenko Protocol, a triple medical cocktail of Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, and Azithromycin  The elimination of Dr. Zelenko’s videos from YouTube was a further confirmation that  something was amiss.  Even if a scientific position is mistaken, why subject it to censorship rather than careful scientific examination?The belief in Phlogistan subsided of its own accord in the years following Antoine Lavoisier’s discovery and naming of Oxygen and its role in combustion. Dr. Joseph Priestley, the co-discoverer of Oxygen clung to the Phlogistan Theory  until the end of his life.

The faulty demographics and predictions of deaths were further clues that something was amiss. The program of The Great Reset marched on. We have all felt the consequences of lock-down and it is not pleasant, to say the least.

Below is a summary of the studies and experiences with Hydroxychloroquine.

Success Stories with Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc

The Hydroxychloroquine Archive

Studies that state Hydroxychloroquine shows no advantage:
Gerald Parkoff,
Efrat, Israel November 8 ,2020