Editorial: The Covid Virus is not the Flu Virus

There are well-meaning groups protesting the lockdown and police tactics enforcing the lockdown. Some of these protestors say that the  Covid Virus is no worse than the Flu Virus. This is just not true. The Microbiology of this Pandemic cannot be separated from the Politics of the Pandemic. The Health Authorities are deliberately ignoring and blackballing “easy” cures. By “easy” I mean they work in five days at the early stages of infection.

It is  only a speculation, but it would seem that when the Covid Virus II was released, the planners did not expect anyone to find a quick antidote to the virus. Dr. Vladmir Zelenko’s discovery that Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, and Azithromycin together provide an  effective treatment, with success within five days was serendipitous and according to Dr. Zelenko, a moment of Divine Providence.  For why should this unknown “country doctor” have come up with the antidote to totally stop a world-wide Pandemic and Economic Depression? But the World Governments would not listen. The Health  Authorities  resorted to censorship and denial  to stop the use of this remedy.

The use of censorship and denial of an obvious truth was enough to question the reliability and sincerity of the  Health Authority that should have been the most reliable source for the public to understand matters.

Notwithstanding this, the virus is pathogenic and lethal and easily transmitted. Dr Ming Ling Yan clearly tells us why the virus is so pathogenic.

  • The genomic sequence of SARS-CoV-2 is suspiciously similar to that of a bat coronavirus discovered by military laboratories in the Third Military Medical University (Chongqing, China)
    and the Research Institute for Medicine of Nanjing Command (Nanjing, China).
  • But the receptor-binding motif (RBM) within the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, which determines the host specificity of the virus, resembles that of SARS-CoV from the 2003 epidemic in a
    suspicious manner. Genomic evidence suggests that the RBM has been genetically manipulated.
  • SARS-CoV-2 contains a unique furin-cleavage site in its Spike protein, which is known to greatly enhance viral infectivity and cell tropism. Yet, this cleavage site is completely absent in this particular class of coronaviruses found in nature. In addition, rare codons associated with this additional sequence suggest the strong possibility that this furin-cleavage site is not the product of natural evolution and could have been inserted into the SARS-CoV-2 genome artificially by techniques other than simple serial passage or multi-strain recombination events inside co-infected tissue cultures or animals.
  • In the summary and conclusion of the Yan Report, we are told: “An unusual furin-cleavage site may have been introduced and inserted at the S1/S2 junction of the Spike protein, which contributes to the increased virulence and pathogenicity of the virus.

In the Second Yan Report, Dr. Yan writes:

Although it is not easy for the public to accept SARS-CoV-2 as a bioweapon due to its relatively low lethality, this virus indeed meets the criteria of a bioweapon as described by Dr. Ruifu Yang. Aside from his appointment in the AMMS, Dr. Yang is also a key member of China’s National and Military Bioterrorism Response Consultant Group and had participated in the investigation of the Iraqi bioweapon program as a member of the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) in 1998. In 2005, Dr Dr. Yang specified the criteria for a pathogen to qualify as a bioweapon74:

1. It is significantly virulent and can cause large scale casualty.
2. It is highly contagious and transmits easily, often through respiratory routes in the form of aerosols. The most dangerous scenario would be that it allows human-to-human transmission.
3. It is relatively resistant to environmental changes, can sustain transportation, and is capable of supporting targeted release.

 Below are links to important videos describing  the virulence of the Covid Virus II by accomplished researchers.



In short ,  you do not want to be infected with this virus. It is a great mistake to rely on “street knowledge” and emotional denial in evaluating this virus. But if infection sets in, there are effective protocols forestalling the need for any vaccine. The hospitals do not have to be filled to overflowing, as the news stories depict. There are now multiple effective  treatments for the early stages of infection as well as the mid-infection stage.  No one has to be on a ventilator.

Please use caution and use your cognitive capabilities to understand this Planned Pandemic. If people do want to do away with masks and social distancing, let them at least take the necessary precautions to enhance the immune system as explained in the following videos: