Scientists Question Validity of Major Hydroxychloroquine Study
Experts demanded verification of data and methods used in a study of drugs to treat Covid-19. The study suggested the drugs might have increased deaths. The drug hydroxychloroquine, promoted by President Trump and others in recent months as a possible…
President Donald Trump on Hydroxychloroquine
Brian Toon – Nuclear War
For the first time in decades, it’s hard to ignore the threat of nuclear war. But as long as you’re far from the blast, you’re safe, right? Wrong. In this sobering talk, atmospheric scientist Brian Toon explains how even a…
Larry Lessig -Our democracy no longer represents the people
Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig makes the case that our democracy has become corrupt with money, leading to inequality that means only 0.02% of the United States population actually determines who’s in power. Lessig says that this fundamental breakdown of the…
Alan Dershowitz on Netanyahu Criminal Trial
Europe has sanctioned euthanasia for the elderly ill with corona
Living in a nursing home is not a diagnosis. By itself it can never be a medical basis for deciding whether to live or die. Opinion. The scenario is terrifying all over Europe. More than half of coronavirus victims in…
Vitamin D and U-Tube Censorship
Susan Wojcicki Threatens To Remove “Disinformation” From YouTube Dr. Mobeen Sayed on Ivermectin
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko May 21
Rabbi Aryeh Katzin Interviews Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, May 18, 2020
Dr. Kim Woo Joo – South Korea
Dr Mobeen Syed, M.D. M.S
Dr. Mobeen Sayed’s Medical Lectures Web Site (click here)
Doctor Roger Seheult on Zinc and Chloroquine
May 15, 2020 Review of NYU Study on Zinc, Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin Dr. Roger Seheult’s Website found here April 21, 2020 March 11, 2020
Editorial on Covid-19 April 26, 2020
From the perspective of American History, the Covid-19 Crisis has presented America with an unprecedented public health problem and an unprecedented Economic and Political challenge. By that I mean if the political authorities and the public health authorities fail to…
Chloroquine is a Zinc Ionophore pubmed
PLoS One. 2014; 9(10): e109180. Published online 2014 Oct 1. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0109180 PMCID: PMC4182877 PMID: 25271834 pdf Chloroquine Is a Zinc Ionophore Jing Xue, 1 , 2 Amanda Moyer, 1 Bing Peng, 1 , 3 Jinchang Wu, 2 Bethany N.…
Chloroquine, Zinc Tested to Block COVID Infection
By Karen Weintraub April 9, 2020 — In the United States and Europe, a handful of clinical trials have begun to test ways to keep health care workers and other vulnerable people safe from COVID-19.Most are testing drugs called…
Covid-19 Virus Update May 13, 2020
Rabbi Aryeh Katzin interviews Dr. Vladimir Zelenko May 12, 2020 Dr. Eric Berg DC 3.62M subscribers ONE AMERICAN NEWS AGENCY ON DR.VLADIMIR ZELENKO GVA CONFERENCE WITH DR. VLADIMIR ZELENKO How to keep patients out of the hospital The…
The New GMO Labeling Law
What You Need To Know About the New GMO Labeling Law By Andrew Amelinckx on August 8, 2016 Shares 425 Environmental activists in New York City joined a global day out on May 23, 2015 against Monsanto’s GMO programs and…
Long Term Toxicity of Roundup herbicide and Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize
Seralini Study pdf- This study was published by Elsevier, one of the top publishers of scientific studies – in 2012. There are a total of eight coauthors ,all highly qualified researchers in the neurological sciences. The article was subsequently…
Brazil cuts into U.S. soybean market share in China
China is expected to buy about five million tonnes of soybeans from Brazil for the fourth quarter of 2017, two senior trade sources said, double the 2.49 million tonnes shipped over the same period last year. For U.S. soybean…