Fenofibrate – and Covid Virus

Israel-US team find drug that can stop Covid-19 in its tracks Researchers show coronavirus causes lungs to accumulate fat, so cholesterol-lowering drug may help downgrade virus threat to that of common cold. By ISRAEL21c Staff July 14, 2020, 7:00 pm…

Inhaled Cortesteroids

Inhaled Cortesteroids

Budesonide excerpt from Wikipedia  It is available as an inhaler, pill, nasal spray, and rectal forms.[1][2] The inhaled form is used in the long-term management of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).[1][3][4] The nasal spray is used for allergic rhinitis and nasal polyps.[2][5] The pills in a delayed release form and…

Favipiravir – Turkey

EDITORIAL: Successful Treatment Strategy of Turkey against Covid-19 Outbreak Hilmi Kodaz1 1Department of Medical Oncology, Acibadem Eskisehir Hospital, Eskisehir, Turkey Turkey’s fight against Covid-19 outbreak seems to be successful. The most important factor of this succTess is establishing a scientific…

Israeli Scientist Nears Vaccine

Files provisional US patent application Mutation-proof: Israeli scientist nears vaccine that’ll cope with COVID changes Bar Ilan researcher says she has laid the groundwork after researching coronavirus and identifying protein segments that could be replicated to build immunity By Nathan…