Scientific Discovery and Precedence

It is a well-known fact that scientists are jealous of each other and passionate to claim precedence in scientific discovery. The Case of Antoine Lavoisier and Joseph Priestly in the discovery of Oxygen in the atmosphere is a classic example of this.

Discovering the contents of he Pfizer vaccine was an undercover operation . It was not a discovery in Nature.  The vials have to be secured under subterfuge and possibly kept under deep freeze conditions. All of this  despite the secrecy of the ruling Pharmacological Oligarchy. It was not a discovery in Nature – but it was a discovery nevertheless; that there is Graphene Oxide and other contaminants in the Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines.  What should have been stated publicly by the vaccine makers was kept secret, despite ample scientific literature advocating the use of Graphene Oxide in Vaccines. The vaccine makers could have justified its use. 

However the lack of testing the vaccine on animals was a disastrous move. LaQuintaColumna explains very carefully that it is the graphene oxide which causes the spike proteins to reach every major organ in the body, especially the ovaries and gonads. This causative agent was not known to Byram Bridle  and the other scientists who revealed the Japanese Bio-distribution Study.

Although Robert O.Young had mentioned LaQuintaColumna in footnote #4 of one of his scientific papers, he should have been more forthright in his widely broadcast interviews . He should have been more appreciative for  LaQuintaColumna as the first to uncover the Graphene Oxide secret. It was a major event in the history of the Pandemic and will not be easily repeated. Coming in second for Robert O. Young was no small feat.
