A Retired Cardiologists Story

A retired Cardiologist said in response to a conspiracy theory proposed citing Event 201 and the contents of The Plandemic Movie: It’s bigger than that. Like you said it’s a cohort of all the billionaires, Bill Gates +. But it didn’t start in 2018. In 1990’s he was approached by “them”. He was in shock. He was offered a lot of money to cooperate. But he’s a very naturally honest individual and he turned down the offer. Then some bigger “thems” came to him and told him all the advantages of cooperating. And the “disadvantages” of refusing. He went to his Daas Torah and was advised to stay honest, but don’t publicize it. He turned down their offer. 2 days later the job offer he had from a major University Medical Center was retracted. Everywhere he applied for a job refused him. He finally got a job in a small hospital. But he refuses to speak about it. He is on their list and is afraid for his life. That’s all the details he could divulge. He said there’s much more and it’s really bad. “They” control the entire medical establishment, world wide. Everybody is paid-off to tow the party line.