Editorial: The Pursuit of Truth Leads to Kindness

יא) חסד ואמת נפגשו צדק ושלום נשקו:

אמת מארץ תצמח וצדק משמים נשקף

תהלים פרק פה

When Kindness and Truth meet, then Righteousness and Peace will unite. Truth will rise from the Earth and Righteousness will be perceived from the Heavens.

January 6, 2021

Editorial: The refusal of Dr. Fauci and the NIH to recognized the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine with Zinc in the early stages of infection and the efficacy of Ivermectin at all stages in the Covid Infection is having world-wide repercussions on at least three continents. The posts on this website feature esteemed doctors who have been given a platform; the messages of Dr. Vladimir Zelenko,  Dr.Simone Gold and America’s Frontline Doctors and Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory of the FLCCC have all been featured. With each interview and video, we had hope that this Pandemic would end. 

But their messages have been ignored and there is chaos spreading throughout the world. Infection rates are rising, deaths increasing, hospitals overloaded – none of this should ever have happened in the 21st Century, when medical science and microbiology have reached such extraordinary heights.

The Guide to Essential Issues  page of this website has been devoted to following the inception of the Pandemic when it was only an “imagined” event – in Event 201. We have tried to uncover the motivation for the behavior of Dr. Fauci and the NIH and we have done this using public, open source materials and videos.

From the year 2015 when Bill Gates predicted that there will be a Covid Virus Pandemic, to Event 201 to the present time,  we were forced to draw the dismal conclusion that the Western World is indeed descending into the Macabre. The quest for control and power will destroy lives, wreak hardship and enmity, and set the world back from its appointed task.

The Wisdom of the Bible reverberates throughout the world. Only Truth leads to Kindness, and when that happens,  Righteousness and Peace will unite.


The degree of censorship that a society imposes upon itself is a barometer as to how far from the truth the Authorities are willing to go to maintain  control and the rule of law. Censorship, from the time of John Adams, was never desirable in the political history of the United States, with rare exception. Censorship of scientists and researchers is a strong indication that truth is feared and to be avoided. Consider the following links:

Censorship, Infra-Guard, and the End of the Open Society

The attack on Microbiologists and the Suppression of Truth

The History of Censorship