Kahn Study – from Muscle to Brain

BMC Med. 2013; 11: 99. Published online 2013 Apr 4. doi:  10.1186/1741-7015-11-99 PMCID: PMC3616851 Slow CCL2-dependent translocation of biopersistent particles from muscle to brain Zakir Khan,1,2 Christophe Combadière,3,4,5 François-Jérôme Authier,1,2,6 Valérie Itier,1,2,11 François Lux,7,8 Christopher Exley,9 Meriem Mahrouf-Yorgov,1,2,11 Xavier Decrouy,1,2…

Aluminum, Dr. Paul Offit and the CDC

The authorities are placed upon high. Their ramparts cannot be moved.                                                                                                   Gparkoff…how easily people can be ensnared in a faulty belief system.  Assurances from medical authorities that, out of love and responsibility, parents should vaccinate their children were all most…